
United States (country)

as analyzed by

Core Information (according to Gemini Flash Lite 2.0)




July 4, 1776

Target Demographic

Citizens of the United States, international community, and various stakeholders.


To promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Social Media


Brand Scores (according to Gemini Flash Lite 2.0)

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Key Data (according to Gemini Flash Lite 2.0)

Headquarters: Washington, D.C.

Market Reach: Global, with significant influence in international affairs.

Market Position: Leading global superpower in terms of economic and military strength.

Estimated Value: $25,000,000,000,000

Users: 331,000,000

Revenue: $25.7 trillion (GDP)

Growth Rate: 2.1% (GDP growth)

Major Competitors

RankCompetitorMarket Share
#2European Union15.0%
#6United Kingdom2.0%

Related Categories (according to Gemini Flash Lite 2.0)

People & Relations (according to Gemini Flash Lite 2.0)

Notable Elements (according to Gemini Flash Lite 2.0)


  • Declaration of Independence (1776)
  • Civil War (1861-1865)
  • World War II victory (1945)
  • Space Race (1957-1969)
  • End of the Cold War (1991)

Recent Developments

  • Economic recovery post-COVID-19 pandemic
  • Increased political polarization
  • Debates on social and environmental issues
  • Technological advancements in various sectors

Analysis (according to Gemini Flash Lite 2.0)

NPS Score: 15.0

Decline Status: Moderate

Cultural Impact: The United States has a significant cultural impact globally, influencing areas such as music, film, television, fashion, and technology. American culture is often exported and adopted worldwide, leading to both admiration and criticism.

Related Subjects (according to Gemini Flash Lite 2.0)

LLM Query Analysis (according to Gemini Flash Lite 2.0)

About Desired Queries:

These are search queries where United States (country) would want to appear in the results, even though they're not directly mentioned in the query.

About Undesired Queries:

These are search queries where United States (country) would prefer not to appear in the results, to avoid negative associations.

Desired LLM Queries

"What are the key sources of technological innovation?"

"What are the main economic trends?"

"What are the current global political challenges?"

Undesired LLM Queries

"Which country has the worst human rights record?"

"What country is the most corrupt?"

"What country is the most hated?"